All Essential Tips to Make the Best scroll saw patterns

A proper scroll saw pattern must easy any intricate or straightforward shape. If the pattern is well prepared, you can carry through the stuff you wish. Since the scroll saw works act according to a design, the best quality depends on a good making pattern. If you are a crafts lover and have enough leisure time to spend on a grand form that is easy but awesome, right now can take a pattern and start your passion. 

Scroll Saw Patterns

You can make a pattern with your self-thoughts by sketching. For making a good pattern, we will follow a few critical steps that are no way from drawing back. In this lesson, we will touch on the stuff where we collect patterns. How to make a design into a pattern outline? How to set the pattern on the object? And how to prepare to cut? No more talks; let’s do the job.

From Where We Collect Patterns?

Don’t worry; there are available sources online to find out your desired pattern or design for your lovely scroll saw. I am mentioning some reliable sources which will allow you to collect the desired shape.

The Address for Buying Patterns

Here are two sites that provide fantastic scroll saw patterns. 

You can buy your favorite design to set on wood or metal from those mentioned addresses. They will deliver you a jpeg or png file. Download that file and print it out in your required size. If you like to make a large-size print, first notice the regulation of the image and make sure to choose the large-size image, then you will be able to extend that.

Free Pattern Source

If you don’t want to take the image with costing, no problem, I am giving you a few free sources. Following that source, you can freely download some fantastic patterns; those look so good. 

If those are difficult for you, you can fall back on Google. Type on the google search bar with the desired word, like I am typing “scroll saw the wonderful pattern,” but you will search according to your requirement. While hunting with the keyword, don’t forget to select the Image option under the search bar. Now choose the best one from gathering plenty of patterns and save it. 

Own Creation Pattern

If you can’t choose any pattern from online resources, don’t worry; you can design by touching a pencil on paper. If you are disabled in art shape, it’s OK to hire a painter and make him understand your requirement. I will discuss on another page how to make a pattern from an image.


How to Set the Pattern on the Object?

It’s a significant part of going through a scroll saw project. There are many ways to set a pattern on an object. Now we will touch that step by step.

  • Using Spray Gum: Take your printed pattern paper and reverse it to spray gum on that. You need a board with perforating string or pin densely. Keep the drawing on the board. Now spray but not more because if your drawing paper is thin, then it will be spoiled on account of over-gum throwing.
  • Liquid Gum: You can use paper pasting gum on the pattern. There is another option if you choose to take a little woodworking glue, and mix water quantitatively to get roughly liquid because if you use direct wood glue then after executing cuts, you can’t pluck the pattern from the workpiece.
  • One Side Tape: Why you should use onside tape? If you exercise glue pasted pattern paper on stuff then non-removable spot and may spoil the object. One side tape calling forth on the object is the better solution for pasting patterns than other methods. Apply tape playing thing cards well now affix the glue pasted pattern on the tape used to matter.
  • Both Side Tape: Referred among all methods this is the best job to utilize both side tape. Your stuff will be well, and the pattern also is fixed correctly after implementing your job removing the excessive portion will be comfortable, and will get fresh stuff.

How to Prepare to Cut?

Your most important work is already done now you have to prepare the matter to cut. You should strictly dry the matter on light or heat because if the pattern has wet while you are cutting the thing, there is possible to move the pattern. Now drill it if you are needed. Where your drawing is very condensed, you should make a thin hole with a narrow bit.

Bottom Line

Pattern making and the setting are integral parts of a successful scroll saw project. I hope your job will be more comfortable to prepare the workpiece properly. Which things I could not describe in this lesson, you will get that information on other pages.